Never have i ever

Never have I ever is a game where players take turns making statements starting with Never have I ever... and then a statement about something they have never done. Players who have done the activity mentioned must take a drink or lose a point.

How to play Never have i ever?

"Never Have I Ever" is a drinking game that is typically played with a group of people. The game is played by having each player take turns making statements starting with "Never have I ever..." and finishing with something they have never done. For example, "Never have I ever been skydiving." Anyone in the group who has done the thing described must take a drink. The game continues with players taking turns making statements until people are too drunk to continue or choose to stop. It's also important to note that a non-alcoholic version can be played, instead of taking a drink, player can do something else like take a step back or do a funny dance move.

Getting Ready

"Never Have I Ever" is a classic party game that is played with a group of people. It's a great way to get to know your friends better and make some new memories. Here's how to play:

  1. Gather a group of friends. The game is typically played with at least 3 people, but can be played with a larger group.

  2. Decide on a form of punishment. This can be taking a drink, doing a funny dance move, taking a step back, etc.

  3. Sit in a circle, and have each player take turns making statements starting with "Never have I ever..." and finishing with something they have never done. For example, "Never have I ever been skydiving."

  4. Anyone in the group who has done the thing described must take the punishment decided before.

  5. The game continues with players taking turns making statements until people are too drunk to continue or choose to stop.

  6. You can also add rule like "double dare" where you can dare another player to do something, If they refuse, they have to take a punishment.

  7. Have fun and enjoy the game!

Note: If you're playing with a younger audience, or you're not comfortable with alcohol, you can use non-alcoholic version, you can use different kind of punishments like taking a step back or doing a funny dance move.