Most Likely

Who's Most Likely To is a guessing game where players take turns asking questions about their friends, trying to figure out who is most likely to do something.

How to play "Who's Most Likely To"?

"Who's Most Likely To" is a popular guessing game that's perfect for getting to know your friends better and having some laughs. The game is simple: players take turns asking questions about their friends, trying to figure out who is most likely to do something. The questions can be silly, serious, or somewhere in between, and the choices players make can reveal a lot about their personalities and preferences. Whether you're at a family gathering, a dinner party, or a night out with friends, "Who's Most Likely To" is a great way to start a conversation and have some fun. To play, gather a group of friends, one player starts by posing a "Who's Most Likely To" question, all the players, except the one who asked the question, secretly write down the name of the person they think is most likely to do the action described in the question. After everyone has written down their answer, the player who asked the question reads them aloud, without revealing who wrote them. The player who is named the most often is considered the "winner" of that round. The person who wrote the correct answer earns a point and the next player takes their turn asking a question. You can keep score and declare a winner at the end of the game or just play for fun.

Getting Ready

"Who's Most Likely To" is a guessing game where players take turns asking questions about their friends, trying to figure out who is most likely to do something. To play the game, follow these steps:

  1. Gather a group of friends to play with.

  2. One player starts by posing a "Who's Most Likely To" question, such as "Who's most likely to bungee jump?" or "Who's most likely to become a famous actor?"

  3. All the players, except the one who asked the question, secretly write down the name of the person they think is most likely to do the action described in the question.

  4. After everyone has written down their answer, the player who asked the question collects the answers and reads them aloud, without revealing who wrote them.

  5. The player who is named the most often is considered the "winner" of that round. The person who wrote the correct answer earns a point.

  6. The next player takes their turn asking a question.

  7. The game can be played as a free-flowing conversation or you can keep score and declare a winner at the end of the game.

  8. You can come up with your own creative questions or use existing one, examples: "Who's most likely to win a Grammy?" "Who's most likely to run for president?" "Who's most likely to have a viral TikTok video?"

"Who's Most Likely To" is a fun and entertaining way to get to know your friends better and have a good laugh.